Looking for vendors to build your perfect party? Here are some ideas!
for organic/local leaning fare...
Gettin' Fresh (buffet and food truck options) : gettinfreshevents.com; 616.308.1177
Organic Gypsy (food truck): www.theorganicgypsy.com; 269.208.4805
Righteous Cuisine (food truck): www.facebook.com/righteouscuisine; 616.414.5884
The Everyday Chef & Wife (mobile kitchen): www.theeverydaychefandwife.com; 810. 887.8522
Green Fork Food (can cater for up to 100): www.greenforkfood.com; 616.745.6805
Farmhouse Deli: www. thefarmhousedeli.com; 269.455.5274
Salt of the Earth: www.saltoftheearthfennville.com; 269.561.7258
Wood Fired Up (pizza truck): https://www.woodfiredup.com; brad@woodfiredup.com; 231.881.4150
Taqueria Don Chepe (taco food truck): www.taqueriadonchepenilesmi.com; 269.635.5225
Donkey Taqueria: donkeygr.com; 616.259.9483
Delish Mobile Cuisine: https://delishmobilecuisine.squarespace.com/ 269.769.8174 or 269.281.1900
Phoenix Street on Broadway: https://www.phoenixstreetonbroadway.com/ 269.637.3600
Precious Peony: https://www.facebook.com/PreciousPeonyKitchen/
Cairo's Kitchen: https://www.cairoskitchen.com/
Evelyn Mae's BBQ: evelynmaesbbq@gmail.com; 407.233.7848
Smoked Down BBQ: www.smokeddownbbq.com; 269.365.5846
Catered Creations: https://www.cateredcreationsinc.com
Beverage Catering/Bartenders
Murph Tends Bar, murph.tends.bar@gmail.com; IG=@murphtendsbar
Elaine Figures: IG=@cocktails_byladye; 616.320.8141
Beverage Specialists: www.beveragespecialistmi.com, 269.999.6850
Mulberry Cart Co: www.mulberrycartco.wixsite.com; 616.377.8915
Oak and Magnolia Vintage Mobile Bar: (616) 295-7168
Happily Ever After Bartending: happilyeverafterbartending@gmail.com; 616.260.2021
Hot Drinks/Coffee Trucks
Stovetop Roasters (Lydia & Alex):www.stovetoproasters.com, 616.437.8464
Dolce Maria (Maria)-also makes homemade Italian desserts: @dolcemaria on IG; Dolcemariab@gmail.com
Chris Deau, www.christopherdeauphotography.com/
Kelly Jo Grifhorst, www.photographybykellyjo.com
Sheldon Nicole, www.sheldonnicolephotography.com/
Emily DeKoster, www.emilydekoster.com
Nathan English, www.nathanenglishphotography.com/#hello
Jaymi Rodammer: www.jaymijoyphoto.com
Emily Moelker, www.emilymoelkerphotography.com
Lara Parent, www.laraparentphotojournal.com
Jacki Warren, www.jackiwarren.com, or email directly at jacki@jackiwarren.com
Christen Bordenkircher, www.christenbphotography.com
Rebekah Dietsche, www.photographybyrebekahdietsche.com
Kent Esmeier, www.framelightvisuals.com (photography + videography, shot the videos for our website)
Wind & Waves Media: www.windandwavesmedia.com (photography + videography)
Framelight Visuals: see contact info above
Jace Rodammer: www.jacematthewfilms.com; 616.610.5560
Jonas & Briana Oatis: www.jonasandbrifilms.com; 231.335.0190
Mirar Weddings: www.mirarmediagroup.com; 650.333.4227
Mitten Floral (Monique): www.mittenfloral.com; 616.805.3252
Viavi Flower Farm (Suzi): https://www.viaviflowerfarm.com/
Fleurology Designs: (Alyssa): www.fleurology-designs.com; 616.676.7294. Also offers day of event coordination.
Three Acre Farm (flower farm in Byron Center): threeacrefarm.net
Fields View Farm (flower farm in South Haven): www.fieldsviewfarm.com; 269.348.0294
Day of Coordinators/Event Planners
The Best Day Details: www.thebestdaydetails.com; 616.558.9144
Forever and Always Event Planning (Brooke): www.foreverandalwaysplan.com; 269.221.3047
White Aster Planning (Amy): https://whiteasterplanning.com/; 616.240.7726
Fleurology Designs-see contact info above
Emily Soloman: 248.496.8730
White Flamingo Events (Katie): www.whiteflamingoevents.com; 517.492.7067
JW Designs (Jaime): www.jaimewdesigns.com; 330.495.7885. Also offers photography packages
Vanika Brandon, vocal soloist: 616.848.8301; Instagram is nik_nik83; vanikabrandon@yahoo.com
Taieshia Tindall, vocal soloist: 517.759.2465; or email: ttindall96@gmail.com
Jayla Swank, harpist: www.facebook.com/jaylaswank or westmichiganharpist@gmail.com
Rodney Page, dj/mc, violin, piano: https://www.full-engagement-experience.com
​The Hammer & the Hatchet , bluegrass duo: https://www.thehammerandthehatchet.com/
Jorge Lorenzo: facebook.com/djlorenzo20K; 734.276.5111
DJ DollarsNcents: www.djdollarsncents.com/
DJ Baby D. Fisher (can also officiate): facebook.com/djbabydfisher: 989.332.8455
Moonlighting: moonlightingpsl.com: 616.447.2019
Johnny Breeze: www.JohnnyBreezeMusic.com; 616.594.0850
Live Wires Entertainment: livewiresentertainment@outlook.com; 616.773.5226
The Brooks Collective: www.thebrookscollective.com; 269.598.8212
Complete Weddings & Events: www.grandrapidsdj.net; 616.957.4200
Music and Media Solutions: 616.312.3748 IG=musicandmediasolutionsgr
Emmanuel Odekunle: 616.315.6647
Cookies on Call: www.cookiesoncall.com/ 269.857.3065
Nothing Bundt Cakes: www.nothingbundtcakes.com: 616.734.6995
My Cone Creamery: IG & FB=@myconecreamery
Love's Ice Cream: https://lovesicecream.com/
Bare Beauty Bar & Spa: www.barebeautybarandspa.com; IG=@barebridalkzoo; 269.220.5355
CRC Bridal Beauty: www.crcbridalbeauty.com; IG=@crcbridalbeauty; 269.267.2238
Pair-a-docs Event Rentals (Amelia): www.pairadocsrentals.com; 616.560.1786
Sincerely,K&J Event Rental and Design (Katie & Jenn): www.sincerelykandjmi.com; 269.767.1384
Special Occasions Event Rental and Design: www.specialoccasionsmi.com; 616.826.7082
Photo Booth
The Bloom Booth: bloomboothgr.com; IG=bloomboothgr
The Shooting Comet: www.theshootingcomet.com; 616.893.6495 IG=@theshootingcometcamper
Complete Weddings and Events: www.completewedo.com; 616.957.4200
Print Needs
Davallia Designs (Rachel) www.davalliadesigns.com/216.413.9327
The Printed Event (Liz & Kristin): www.theprintedevent.com/ 269.303.2192
Pretty Petal Papers (Sharon): www.prettypetalpapers.com/
Moveportz (private car and shuttle service): 269.270.6690
Affordable Limousine: affordablelimogr.com; 616.299.1812
Uber/Lyft-Chris Burrows: 269.910.6622
North Sky Farm, South Haven: https://northsky.farm
Hop and Vine Inn, Fennville (near Saugatuck): www.hopandvineinn.com
Martha's Vineyard Bed and Breakfast, South Haven: www.marthasvy.com
Carriage House at the Harbor, South Haven: www.carriagehouseharbor.com
Kingsley House Bed and Breakfast Inn, Fennville: www.kingsleyhouse.com
Historic Hotel Nichols, South Haven: www.hotelnichols.com
Kal-Haven Outpost: www.KalHavenOutpost.com (great glamping tents, cabins, converted school bus and RV sites available; located less than 5 minutes from our place)
The Woods: https://www.bookthewoods.com/ (luxery glamping in Fennville, 15 minutes from us)
Hotels in South Haven are 12 minutes away (Hampton, Holiday Inn, Baymont, Comfort Suites)
Local Attractions
Virtue Cider
Khnemu Studio, www.khnemustudio.com
Pleasant Hill Blueberry Farm
Crane's Orchard
Fenn Valley Vineyards
McIntosh Cellars
Overhiser Orchards
South Haven Farmers Market
Liberty Hyde Bailey Museum
Kal-Haven Trail